Books for a quiet Thanksgiving

Since I was a kid, I’ve loved to read, but as I’ve gotten older, I found myself more distracted and with less focused time to read.

This Thanksgiving we find ourselves with more downtime than usual, and so I thought I’d share two books that have been valuable to me over the years, and that you might enjoy perusing if you have some quiet time at home as well.

  1. Drive by Daniel Pink – This book looks at human motivation, and it might give you some new inspiration on how you can lead others.
  2. Predictably Irrational by Dr. Dan Ariely – This book explores how we make decisions, and just how irrationally we do so.

Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash


A digital product strategy leader, I am passionate about mentoring and coaching product managers and forming high-performing, empowered teams that in turn build customer-centric digital products.

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