There’s an infamous bridge, known on the internet as the “11 foot 8” bridge or the “Canopener Bridge”. Here is a quick example of the bridge in question:
I think our leadership abilities can similar to this bridge, in that they can limit us and our teams. And they can do so in a destructive or harmful way.
John Maxwell calls this idea the Law of the Lid.
Leadership ability determines a person’s level of effectiveness.
“The Law of the Lid” – John Maxwell
Have you ever seen a new leader join a team, and propel that team in a new, bigger direction than previous leaders did? One reason for that could have been that their leadership “lid” was higher than the previous manager.
I remember many years ago I was burned out in a role, and I finally found a new position to transition into. I hadn’t realized how much of a “lid” I had created until I watched the person who replaced me institute new changes and improvements I hadn’t thought of yet.
They were able to lead beyond what I was able to, beyond the artificial limitations I had placed on the team.
And this is why I’m passionate about always learning and growing. Because I know that if I don’t, I’ll be the limit or the lid, for my team.
Personal and organizational effectiveness is proportionate to the strength of leadership.
John Maxwell – The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership