Business and Technology

Was the iPod a successful product because it was the best MP3 player on the market in terms of specs and features? No, the iPod succeeded because it combined a great technology (iPod) with a great business model (iTunes). Being a great digital companies today means no longer treating software development as separate from the …

Predictably Irrational

As leaders, it is important to recognize in ourselves and others just how “predictably irrational” we are. How, although we think we make all of our decisions based on sound logic and reason, we regularly make irrational decisions. A good introduction to this is Dan Ariely’s talk on this topic: And if you time, I …

Necessary Conflict?

Are your team meetings boring? Do you find your team avoiding controversial topics in order to “play nice”? Do changes only happen through backchannels? If so, your team might have a fear of conflict. I’m not talking about personal attacks, mean-spirited comments, and the like. But if you want better ideas from your team, if …

Cannibalizing Your Product

What would it look like to cannibalize your own business, your own product? Clayton Christensen said it well when he wrote – “The fear of cannibalizing sales of existing products is often cited as a reason why established firms delay the introduction of new technologies.” If we fail to disrupt ourselves, then we will allow …